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Thursday 11 May 2017

How to use Pivot Tables in Excel

What is a Pivot Table ?

Pivot tables helps to Classify and Summarising complicated  data into a simple easy drill down in details.

Step1 :

in the above given table, Different product sold in different Quarters So we can find easily classify and summarise the above content using Pivot tables.

Step 2:

Select entire table and Click insert menu -> Pivot tables -> Pivot tables option.


enable 'new worksheet' -> click to 'Ok'

now, new work sheet will be added beside your sheet, there you find a pivot table design block and pivot table elements panel in the right side of window as show below.

now, drag 'Products'  and drop into 'row labels , Similarly drag 'sale' and drop into 'Sum values' , similarly drag 'Quarter' and drop into 'report filters' as show below.

Now , see your pivot table Arrangement, now you can filter data in any manner.

thank you
excel tips

Wednesday 10 May 2017

How to use SORT in Excel

Hi..Readers !

In this lesson you can learn how to Arrange Records in A-Z or Z-A Order we also called SORT Order in Excel sheet. Watch below Steps

Steps 1:

Create a Table as per given below

 A                    B                    C
Slno               name             Salary
105                    Anthony          15000
108                    David              17000
103                    Misra                25000
104                   Vasavi              28000

Select above table ->  Go to 'DATA' Menu  -> Click 'SORT'

 Now select 'Ascending (A-Z) Order ->  Click 'Ok'

Now Your Table will be like this

Slno               name             Salary
103                    Misra                25000
104                   Vasavi              28000
105                    Anthony          15000
108                    David              17000

Tuesday 9 May 2017

How to Hide or Show Worksheets in Excel

Show or Hide Worksheets 

It is very easy. You can hide any sheet in your excel work book. when ever you want you can make sheet visible. follow the below steps to make hide sheets or show sheets in excel workbook

step 1:

in the above screen shot, We have 3 sheets by default in excel workbook, to Hide sheet 1 , right click on sheet click to 'Hide' option.

Step 2:

Once you click hide button, you are able to see only 2 sheets in your workbook,

Steps for Unhide Sheet

1.right click and Click 'Unhide' 
2.Select Your Sheet 1
3.Click to 'OK'

Friday 5 May 2017

How to Remove duplicates Values

Hi...Readers !

 In this lesson I am going tell you remove duplicate values from the excel data. Lets see how to do this.

1. select entire Table -> data -> Remove Duplicates

2. Click to 'Select All' Button -> Ok.

Now, It removes row 6, because row 1 and row 6 are same. so it removes only row 6.

Thank you.
Excel Tips


How to Protect sheet in Ms-Excel

STEPS:  1. OPEN Ms-Excel 2. Go to Review-> Protect Sheet -> Protect sheet  3. enter Password -> Re-enter Password-> save.