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Showing posts with label How to Delete Rows or Columns in Excel data sheet.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Delete Rows or Columns in Excel data sheet.. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 May 2017

How to Delete Rows or Columns

Hi Readers !

       In this Lesson You are able understand how to remove unwanted records from the table data in Excel Sheet. follow the steps to do this.

Steps :

1. Select Row 3, Row 4 from the below given table.
2. Home -> Delete -> Delete Sheet Row.

3. Now, you will see Row 3, Row4 deleted from table.

Similarly , You can try to Delete selected Columns from Excel Sheet.


1. select Column C(Salary), Column D (Desg)
2. Home -> Delete -> Delete Columns.


How to Protect sheet in Ms-Excel

STEPS:  1. OPEN Ms-Excel 2. Go to Review-> Protect Sheet -> Protect sheet  3. enter Password -> Re-enter Password-> save.