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Showing posts with label how to use data validations in excel sheet.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to use data validations in excel sheet.. Show all posts

Thursday 4 May 2017


Data Validation : it helps to prevent invalid data being entered into cells.

Ex: you want to accept Numbers range between 0 to 10000 in Salary Column in given below table.

1.  Select Column 'C' -> Data -> Data Validation

2.  Set Allow to 'Whole number'
3. Set Data to ' Between'
4. set Minimum value to '0'
5. set Maximum value to '10000'
6. Now click 'Error Alert' Button

6. Set Title ' Wrong'
7. Set Error Message '  Please enter valid number'
8. Click to 'OK'

Note: Now you try to enter more than 10000 value it will not accept and it gives a Error message to you.

To cancel this again click 'data validation -> clear all.'

Thank you
Excel Tips.

How to Protect sheet in Ms-Excel

STEPS:  1. OPEN Ms-Excel 2. Go to Review-> Protect Sheet -> Protect sheet  3. enter Password -> Re-enter Password-> save.