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Wednesday 10 May 2017

How to use SORT in Excel

Hi..Readers !

In this lesson you can learn how to Arrange Records in A-Z or Z-A Order we also called SORT Order in Excel sheet. Watch below Steps

Steps 1:

Create a Table as per given below

 A                    B                    C
Slno               name             Salary
105                    Anthony          15000
108                    David              17000
103                    Misra                25000
104                   Vasavi              28000

Select above table ->  Go to 'DATA' Menu  -> Click 'SORT'

 Now select 'Ascending (A-Z) Order ->  Click 'Ok'

Now Your Table will be like this

Slno               name             Salary
103                    Misra                25000
104                   Vasavi              28000
105                    Anthony          15000
108                    David              17000

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How to Protect sheet in Ms-Excel

STEPS:  1. OPEN Ms-Excel 2. Go to Review-> Protect Sheet -> Protect sheet  3. enter Password -> Re-enter Password-> save.