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Thursday 11 May 2017

How to use Pivot Tables in Excel

What is a Pivot Table ?

Pivot tables helps to Classify and Summarising complicated  data into a simple easy drill down in details.

Step1 :

in the above given table, Different product sold in different Quarters So we can find easily classify and summarise the above content using Pivot tables.

Step 2:

Select entire table and Click insert menu -> Pivot tables -> Pivot tables option.


enable 'new worksheet' -> click to 'Ok'

now, new work sheet will be added beside your sheet, there you find a pivot table design block and pivot table elements panel in the right side of window as show below.

now, drag 'Products'  and drop into 'row labels , Similarly drag 'sale' and drop into 'Sum values' , similarly drag 'Quarter' and drop into 'report filters' as show below.

Now , see your pivot table Arrangement, now you can filter data in any manner.

thank you
excel tips

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