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Wednesday 3 May 2017

How to Insert Rows and Columns

Hi..Readers !

Learn How to insert new rows or column between table in Excel Sheet.

Steps :

1. Select Row 4, go to Home -> Insert -> Insert sheet Row.

2. then, one new row will be added before row 4, as show below

do this for adding more rows where every you want in the table in excel sheet.

Thank you.
Excel Tips

Friday 28 April 2017

How to Replace a Value in Excel

Replace Word :

 Hi.. Reader..In this tutorial I will show you how to Replace a value with another value in excel sheet.Watch this Screen Shot.

1. Select a column in the table. Here I selected column 'course'.
2. Now Click ' Replace' Button in Home Tab. (you can use Ctrl+H short key to enable)
3. Now Type a value in 'find What' input box (ex.:dtp)
4. Now Type a Value in 'Replace with' input box (ex: Desktop Publishing)
5. Now 'REPLACE ALL' button below

now check your data all 'dtp' values will be changed as 'desktop publishing' like below

Thank  you
Excel Tips

How to Find a value in Excel Sheet

Find Values :

Hi..Readers in this Tutorial I Will Teach you how to find a value from Excel Sheet. Lets See how to Find a Value in the given Table, Watch the given screen shot.

in the Home Tab, You can see 'Find' Button , Click there.Now it allows you to Enter your input value in the text box. Type your value(K.Sailaja)  in the text box  and Click 'FIND NEXT' Button.

It will highlight the location where the word is located.

Now Click 'FIND NEXT' for search next location where it is located.

 Thank you.
Excel Tips

How to Use Merge & Center in Excel


It Is used to merge More than one Cells as a Single Cell. Follow the Steps to Merge Cells.

Step :1

Select Cells from 'A' to 'G' in the Above Row1.
now, Click Merge & Center Button . Now See The Result.

now, Cell Grid lines Removed and  it becomes a single Cell.

Thank You
Excel Tips

How to Protect sheet in Ms-Excel

STEPS:  1. OPEN Ms-Excel 2. Go to Review-> Protect Sheet -> Protect sheet  3. enter Password -> Re-enter Password-> save.